Healing will happen when you're informed, inspired, and empowered.

Welcome to One Stayed Wild.

Hi, I’m Erika.

I'm a cancer thriver and wellness warrior. I have successfully navigated both the conventional and alternative worlds of medicine, pulling a wide range of healing practices into my daily life. I’ve worked tirelessly to heal cancer, mold toxicity, and a years-long viral infection, all at the same time.

I believe in the power of detox, targeted nutrition, and listening to your intuition. No matter where you are in life, on an active healing journey or not, I hope everything you find here serves as a beacon of light and empowerment.

Find your healing path one wellness practice at a time.

Healing looks different for everybody. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, despite what you may be led to believe. Here I share everything I've leaned on and the practices that resonated with me the most.

The power of detox is real.

While technically a healing practice, detox rises to the top as one of the most crucial elements of healing. It encompasses so much. It has changed my life and I know it will change yours.

On the Gram

“Get back in touch with your wild side. Start questioning instead of just doing. Do a little research instead of feeling defeated. Take risks, try new things, and don't be afraid to fail. Sometimes that's where the progress happens.”

— EH